Entertainment FAQs
Please note that as of August 2024, the Primary System for Reimbursement Requests is now CruzFly.
When Do I Use An ERF (Entertainment Reporting Form)?
ERFs are only required for recharge expenses (except for Catering Services recharges done through CruzBuy, or for reimbursement when the individual being reimbursed is a non-UCSC affiliate and does not have a CruzID email address.
Please note that in July 2016 the Entertainment Reporting Process changed.
How Do I Access An ERF?
ERFs are created and accessed from the Financial Affairs Dashboard.
To create a new ERF, click Entertainment, then click Create a New Entertainment Reporting Form.
What Requires Top Level Approval?
Alcohol purchases, employee morale, employee recognition, retirement, on the job meals, tickets to sporting, theatrical or cultural events, meals provided to a spouse/partner, over the per-person limit, cash contributions or registrations that are included in the cost of a nonprofit fundraiser.
What Expenses Are Considered Unallowable?
Meetings that could have been scheduled during regular working hours, monetary contributions to a political campaign or candidate, purchase of property/services for personal or for a nonbusiness use, expenses using restricted funds, expenses that represent additional taxable income to the employee/student.
Can I Use Federal Or State Funds To Purchase Alcohol?
No, Federal and State funds cannot be used to purchase alcohol.
Where Do I Find The Per-Person Limit Rates?
Per-person Spending Ratescan be found on the Allowable Expenses page of the Entertainment, Business Meeting, and Other Events Expense Guide.
Additional Help
Entertainment, Business Meeting, and Other Events Expense Guide
CruzBuy Entertainment Process
- Order Initiator
- To submit a requisition, use the Food and Entertainment form. First enter the supplier, if they are not already in the CruzBuy system you will need a phone number and/or email address for the supplier. Enter a description of the event, and an estimated price, including a Not to Exceed (NTE). Fill in remaining fields in form.
- Budget Approver, Research Accountant
- Reviews and approves order, seeks the approval for top level
- CruzBuy System
- Validates FOAPAL used with order
- Purchasing Office Buyer
- Reviews ERF and approves CruzBuy order
- CruzBuy System
- Creates purchase order