Reimbursement FAQS
Please note that as of August 2024, the Primary System for Reimbursement Requests is now CruzFly.
Can I Purchase Supplies Out Of Pocket?
Yes. If you purchase general supplies (such as non-edible tangible goods) out-of-pocket, simply save your receipt, complete a Payee Setup 204 form, and submit a reimbursement request on CruzFly.
Can I Purchase Equipment Over $5k And Get Reimbursed?
No. A purchase order must be used to purchase equipment more than $5,000. Please note that any equipment over $5K the University is obligated by UCOP and Federal policy to inventory and tag for audit reasons. A direct payment cannot be made to the vendor for equipment, and out-of-pocket payments for equipment regardless of cost will not be reimbursed. Refer to the Equipment (Purchased) Payment Guide for further information.
Can Someone Else Pay For My Items And Get Reimbursed?
The individual may complete a Payee Setup 204 form and a Direct Payment form in their name. Please note that you may not turn in a receipt with another individual’s name for reimbursement.