Student Opportunity, Success & Equity
About the Office
The Office for Arts Student Success was created by the Arts Division to help recruit, retain, and launch Arts Division students into their careers, while also creating a student equity-focused environment. The Arts Division does this by collaborating with and supporting academic departments and university offices to provide programs and services that support our students’ academic growth and personal development.
Adding to the Arts Division distinction is our unwavering commitment to underserved populations and promoting an organizational culture that incorporates student development best practices and engenders respect for the diversity of cultural background, including national origin, race, color, sex, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, religion, disability, and military/veteran status. The Arts Division strive to increase the equity experiences and success outcomes of students who are historically and systematically underrepresented and underserved in higher education.
Reporting Discrimination and /or Harassment
Please visit https://help.ucsc.edu for the most up-to-date information regarding resources for reporting instances of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Relationship Violence or Stalking, Race/Ethnicity Discrimination or Harassment, Whistleblower Complaint (eg., Fraud), and Other Crime (e.g., Robbery or Threat)
To file a Discrimination complaint
Contact EEO at Equity@ucsc.edu or use the Discrimination Complaint form. (This document is in Adobe format for optimal printing. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader, you may download it for free from Adobe Systems.)
To report Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Stalking and Domestic ViolenceContact the Title IX Office at (831) 459-2462 for assistance with matters related to sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking and domestic violence. Use this online form to file a Title IX Report. The official University of California policy on can be found here.
Report Hate
The University of California, Santa Cruz is committed to maintaining an objective, civil, diverse and supportive community, free of coercion, bias, hate, intimidation, dehumanization or exploitation. To report an incident of hate or bias, please use the resources this reporting form.
For support regarding conflict that does NOT involve allegations of discrimination, retaliation or harassment
Student employees may also contact Campus Conflict Resolution Services at (831) 459-2290 for confidential assistance about conflict in the workplace that does not involve allegations of discrimination, retaliation or harassment or for fully confidential advice.
The Student Code of Conduct
The Code of Student Conduct lays out the university’s expectations for student conduct and defines prohibited.
The Faculty Code of ConductFaculty Code of Conduct serves to implement the University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline as approved by the Assembly of the Academic Senate and by The Regents. Complaints may be filed using the Formal Complaint Form.
Policy on Student Grievance Procedures
The Policy on Student Grievance Procedures lays out the steps students take to file a formal grievance.