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Planning Guide for Marketing


“How did it get so late so soon?” ― Dr. Seuss

As soon as the event "Promo kick-off” info is submitted, we can connect with you about plans and timelines.
Best: submit details 1 quarter before your event
Solid: submit details 6-10 weeks in advance
Least effective: 4 weeks in advance

Successful promotion and marketing are achieved when you and the marketing team:

  • begin work at least 2 months in advance of the project or event (3 months is reasonable)
  • clearly define the project or event
  • focus your message
  • find the right language to talk about the event or project
  • find high-quality images to describe the event or project (free-use or with copyright permission!)
  • identify the intended audience
  • confirm financial resources (for printing, advertising, etc.)
  • engage the intended audience
  • improve visibility for our departments and our division
  • repeat messages allowing many people to learn about your event multiple times
  • determine cost-effective marketing and advertising tools