Student Awards and Grants
Divisional Awards
- Florence J. French Scholarship – Supports scholarships in art for students in need of financial aid to be administered by the Dean of Arts in consultation with the visual art faculty.
Art Department
- William Hyde Irwin and Susan Benteen Irwin Fund – Supports scholarships and fellowships for undergraduate or graduate students in the visual arts.
- Eduardo Carrillo Memorial Scholarship Endowment – Supports one or more scholarships to declared Art majors who have demonstrated high quality and inspired work.
- Virginia Rose “Ginny” Kleker Memorial Fund in Digital Art – Provides one or more annual awards given by the Arts Division for student retention
- Hardy Hanson Memorial Scholarship Fund – Supports students, faculty, and visiting artists whose work remains true to the spirit of Professor Hanson’s philosophy and artistic focus.
History of Art & Visual Culture
- Clare Wedding Student Enrichment Endowment – Provides support to undergraduate students in the History of Art and Visual Culture program, with a preference for those concentrating in the art of the Pacific Rim countries and communities including ocean art.
Film & Digital Media
- Korduner Family Scholarship
- Hollander Aspiring Filmaker Award
Music Department
- Dora Binder Skolnick Memorial Fund – Supports awards to one or more graduate or undergraduate students demonstrating outstanding achievement in musical performance.
- Endowment for Classical Music – Provides financial assistance to undergraduate students pursuing a major in music at UC Santa Cruz.
- Classical Music Endowment – Provides financial assistance to undergraduate students pursuing a major in classical music.
- Grosvenor Cooper Memorial Scholarship in Music – Supports a scholarship for a second or third year undergraduate student currently enrolled in a music class.
- Ernest and Jean Kretschmer Music Scholarship – Provides scholarship for music majors, with preference given to students studying piano or a keyboard instrument.
- The Hortense Zuckerman Prize – Awards excellence in performances and scholarship.
- Laurie Switzer Memorial Music Scholarship
- Eltinge Music Endowment – Provides scholarships for music students and supports the instrumental and vocal instruction program by providing private lessons.
- Resident String Ensemble Scholarship Fund – Provides support for the Student Resident String Ensemble in the UC Santa Cruz Music Department.
- George Barati Cello Scholarship (Music) – Provides a scholarship to a music major whose principal instrument is the cello.
- Maxwell Willes Endowment for Music at UC Santa Cruz – Supports scholarships for music students
- Nicole Auclair Memorial Scholarship Fund in Music – Provides financial support to a student studying guitar in the Division of Arts
- Resident String Quartet Scholarship Fund: Music
- Resident String Ensemble Scholarship Fund: Music
- Instrumental and Vocal Instruction Endowed Fund
- Operatic Excellence Award
- Matthew Wynbrandt Endowed Prize for Guitar Performance – Provides financial support to a student studying guitar in the Division of Arts
- Diversity Scholarships in Music
Performance, Play & Design
- Priscilla Newton Undergraduate Scholarship in Theater Arts – Provides scholarships to students with demonstrated theatrical performance and given on the basis of merit and financial need.
- Dharma-Grace Foundation Creative Writing Award Fund – Supports the production of an outstanding script written by an undergraduate junior or senior student in good academic standing.
- Gregg Barnes Costume Design Award Fund – Annual undergraduate award to fund ambitious costume design projects for Theater Arts majors.
- UCSC African American Theater Arts Troupe Scholarship – For students of all cultures based on merit, financial need, and participation with AATAT.