Shakespeare to Go
Shakespeare to Go

Shakespeare to Go is not booking any performances in 22-23.
Please check back next year for more information.
Shakespeare to Go has been taking Shakespeare on the road since 1984, with a mission to connect with local youth and give back to the community. Each year, a Shakespeare to Go team—comprised of a faculty director and student actors, designers, stage managers, assistant directors, and dramaturgs from UC Santa Cruz—work innovatively to bring a Shakespeare play to life by making it relevant to younger audiences. While the new script is shortened, the richness of Shakespeare’s language always remains.
What is Shakespeare to Go?
Each year, a faculty member creates a 50-minute adaptation of a Shakespeare play and assembles a cast comprised of UCSC students.
The production tours to various schools and venues in the community to perform the Shakespeare adaptation. There is an opportunity for students to ask questions at the end of the performances. A study/curriculum guide offering an in-depth companion to the play and its meaning is provided to teachers giving an opportunity to engage students before and/or after the performance.
The available performance dates are M/W/F mornings prior to 10:30 AM (depending on the location), dates available from early April to early June. The students must be back on campus by 12:00 PM, so your location will determine how late the performance can start.
“It looks as if it was actually real. Another thing was that the play wasn’t hard to understand; it was easy to keep track.”
– 6th-grade student
“I didn’t know that Shakespeare could be fun.”
– 5th-grade student
“Just want to thank you for coming, it was my first play and I liked it a lot.”
– Middle school student
Performances of Shakespeare to Go:
The play is rehearsed during the winter quarter, then tours to schools in Santa Cruz, Monterey, and Santa Clara counties during the spring quarter: Dates TBD. Please email theater@ucsc.edu regarding performances.
The fee for a single performance is $450 in Santa Cruz County and $500 elsewhere. A double performance (i.e., two shows in one morning) is $650. Please note, a limited number of performances may be subsidized. Participating schools will be offered a curriculum guide specifically for the play being performed that will provide your students with a synopsis and history of the play plus suggested classroom activities to help prepare students for the performance.
Book a Performance of Shakespeare to Go:
Shakespeare To Go is not booking any appearances for the 22-23 school year. Please check back next year for more information.
Support Shakespeare to Go:
If you would like to give support or inquire about sponsorship opportunities for Shakespeare to Go’s work of bringing Shakespeare to area schools and community centers, please contact Sarah Schuster Kudela at schuster@ucsc.edu.
Thank You to our Sponsor:
Porter College