Pre-6 Lecturer Supplemental Notices

A supplemental notice is required if:

1. The lecturer’s last reappointment letter indicated that their teaching assignment for the second (and/or third) year of their reappointment is “Undetermined,” 


2. A lecturer’s teaching assignment changed from what was listed in their reappointment letter. This includes a change in course assignment for a given quarter, or the quarter of the teaching assignment. (This does not include supplemental assignments, for which a separate letter is sent through a different process).

The supplemental notices should be sent as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days prior to the service start date of the quarter.

Departments may send the supplemental notice communication in the body of an email. The email should be sent by the department chair, or the department chair may delegate this responsibility to the department manager. If the department manager sends the notices, please make sure to cc the department chair. Also, please always cc Laura Jackson in the division every time one of these notices is sent to ensure that pay is set up accurately in UCPath.



Dear <<Unit 18 faculty member>>,

In accordance with Article 7A of the Unit 18 collective bargaining agreement, this is a Supplemental Notice to your <<insert appointment or reappointment>> letter dated <<insert date>> in the Department of <<insert department/program>> in the Arts Division. This Supplemental Notice provides information regarding your course(s) and/or other assigned duties/responsibilities that was not fully known or has changed since the time your <<insert appointment or reappointment>> letter was issued.

<<insert a term-by-term description of assigned courses and/or course equivalency details/duties>>.


Department Chair or Designee


Department/Program Manager

Department Chair (if notice is sent by Department Manager)

HR Analyst Laura Jackson

Last modified: Dec 19, 2024