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Digital Arts & New Media

The death of Don David (Duncan)

Digital Arts New Media MFA candidate Mónica Andrade and Theater Arts Department MA graduate Stephen Richter reimagine classic tragedies to address current social issues through multimedia performances.

West coast debut of 'Lessons of the Hour' offers immersive portrait of visionary writer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass

"Encodings in Space and Time," by Digital Arts and New Media MFA alum Zach Corse, is an immersive, large-scale installation influenced by gravitational physics, information theory, ice mechanics, and city street lamp design.

Digital Arts and New Media (DANM) Technical Coordinator, Colleen Jennings, has designed a 3D model of the Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery that will enable the Irwin 2020: Collective Solitude exhibition to take place online. 

Joshua Harrison (l) and Newton Harrison (r); photo by Josh Rutkoff

The U.S. Forest Service has awarded a $250,000 grant to the Center for the Study of the Force Majeure, a research center based in the Arts Division at UC Santa Cruz.

Sarah Fay Krom, Image from [Verge], video game, 2016.

Visual language is a primary form of communication in storytelling media. As it transitions to serve the needs of game-based and interactive stories, expressive qualities are lost in translation in the move to a computational foundation.

Dee Hibbert-Jones

Professor of Art and Digital Art and New Media at UC Santa Cruz, Dee Hibbert-Jones, has been invited by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to present on its behalf the NEA’s new initiative Improving Career Sustainability for Documentary Artistsat this yea
