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Kate Schermerhorn, photographer and documentary film maker

Media Theater, UCSC

Kate Schermerhorn is a documentary filmmaker and fine art and documentary photographer. Kate’s photographs have been widely published and exhibited including in the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The Independent, El Mundo and Granta and exhibited at The Victoria and Albert Museum, The Houston Center for Photography, and Yosi Millo Gallery As a filmmaker, Kate made her directorial debut in 2006 with Seeking 1906 , (KQED/PBS), for which she won a Northern California Emmy for excellence as director.  The film was also nominated in the best historical/cultural feature category. Kate has recently completed a second hour long documentary entitled After Happily Ever After, about marriage in the 21st century.


suggested reading:
Issues and Artists is part of the UCSC Visiting Artist Program, taught by Robert Flynn Johnson this quarter, and focuses on key issues in contemporary art, art theory, and curatorial practice through lectures, discussions and readings.  All visiting artist lectures listed are free and open to the public. Purchase a guest parking pass at the Performing Arts lot.