Travel FAQs
Please note that as of August 2024, the Primary System for Reimbursement Requests is now CruzFly for UCSC affiliates.
How Can I Be Reimbursed For Travel Expenses?
Expense owners should submit a reimbursement request on CruzFly, with the exception of the below:
- Travel Advance Requests (TAR) should still be used for direct airline (Connexxus), local hotel billing, or when the individual being reimbursed is a non-UCSC affiliate and does not have a CruzID email address.
- Post Travel Reimbursement Requests (PTE) should still be used when the individual being reimbursed is a non-UCSC affiliate and does not have a CruzID email address.
Where Can I Locate The Travel Reimbursement Forms?
For UCSC affiliates who submitted a TAR, and for non-UCSC affiliated travelers, visit the Forms Directory Travel section for reimbursement forms. Forms are submitted through DocuSign or by email as a PDF attachment.
Can I Pay For Another Traveler’s Expenses?
Paying for expenses for another traveler is not allowable unless you are a group leader of three or more people and are paying for the other group members’ expenses and/or you are one of two or more people sharing a hotel room. The traveler should work with UCSC staff to have expenses paid in advance or directly by UCSC.
UCSC Students and Employees who are traveling for official university business can utilize an Instant Card. This is a temporary virtual credit card (no plastic issued) that can be added to a traveler’s smartphone wallet, Apple Pay or Google Pay, and can be used where credit card payments are accepted. This card is issued to UC travelers who do not have access to the Corporate Travel and Entertainment Card (CTE card).
What Can I Use A Travel Advance Request Form (TAR) For?
- For a non-UCSC affiliate to receive an early reimbursement for out-of-pocket
- expenses.
- To receive a trip number to purchase a flight or book hotels.
- To request a cash advance for anticipated expenses.
Please note that a Post Travel Expense form will need to be submitted within 45 days of the return of your trip to reconcile the TAR.
How do I submit a TAR form?
Travel Advance Request forms are sent as a PDF attachment by email to the Business Office Assistant.
Can I Drive To My Destination Rather Than Fly?
Depending on the distance of your destination, if you use your personal vehicle in lieu of airfare, you will need to include a pre-travel airfare cost comparison for only the University business portion of the trip, showing all options available for the location and time of travel using standard commercial air carriers or through the campus travel program (Connexxus). The airfare comparison must be attached to your Post Travel Expense form in which the lesser of the costs will be reimbursed. Please note that your personal automobile must have insurance coverage. For more information, refer to the Rental Car and Personal Auto Usage page in the Travel Guide.
What Receipts Are Needed To Support Proper Documentation?
Original itemized receipts or documentation from the vendor that contains the charges, total amount, and payment method. Monthly credit card statements alone will not suffice as supporting documentation.
I Can’t Find My Original Receipts, What Should I Do?
Itemized receipts are required for any expenses over $75.00 including but not limited to, lodging, rental car, airfare, conference registration fees. If the original receipt cannot be located and all measures to obtain a duplicate receipt from the vendor have been exhausted please follow the applicable process:
For UCSC affiliates, complete and attach the CTE Lost/Missing Receipt form to CruzFly.
For UCSC affiliates who submitted a TAR, attach a note on the PTE form explaining why original receipts are not included with the PTE form. A bank statement or credit card statement showing that the correct amount was paid and charged should be included. Please also include a statement certifying that you will not seek reimbursement from any other source for the same missing receipt. An Exception to Policy request will then be submitted to the Arts Dean for approval.
Can I Purchase A “bundle” Airfare And Lodging Package?
No, the purchase of a “bundle” package obtained through an Internet travel agency that does not provide a detailed receipt or invoice identifying the costs of airfare, lodging, and incidentals is unallowable.
Where Can I Find The Currency Converter?
You may utilize the OANDA Currency Converter and input the non-USD total and purchase date reflected on the receipt for each expense being converted. Please include both the receipt and conversion rate with your travel reimbursement.
Where Can I Find Foreign Per Diem Rates By Location?
Please visit the Office of Allowances webpage for the foreign per diem rates by location.
Who are the Approvers and where do I find their contact information?
The Tier 1 / Initial Approver is the Business Office Assistant. The Tier 2 / Expense Approver varies depending on the fund source and approval type. If uncertain, please email or assign the Business Office Assistant who can redirect the approval.
Visit the Business Office Staff page for contact information.