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Arts Division

Francesca Romeo

Francesca Romeo received her BA in English Literature from UC Berkeley, and a dual Master’s degree from Pratt Institute in Photography and Art History.

Dean Celine with her husband Dan Shimizu

Celine Parreñas Shimizu, Dean of the Arts and Distinguished Professor of Film and Digital Media was inducted into the Stanford University Multicultural Hall of Fame on October 20, 2023.

Dean Celine Parreñas Shimizu

Together, let us continue building our beloved community. Coming together as students, faculty and staff keeps our connections strong as we create new knowledge.

Eurydice - original drawing by Saul Villegas of Moderno

When the myth about Eurydice is told it’s really the story of Orpheus: how he falls in love with her, how devasted he is when she gets bitten by a snake and dies, and how he goes to the underworld and pleads with Hades and 

Stephanie Allain

Stephanie Allain is a rare gem in the film industry.

Alice Szeto Gallup

The child of parents that immigrated from Hong Kong, Alice Szeto Gallup said figuring out her career path has come with unique challenges.

Junebug Sonnenberg

Like many students at University of California, Santa Cruz, Junebug Sonnenberg chose to come because of location. When looking at colleges they decided to pursue film, but weren’t interested in living in Los Angeles.

Come Home Alumni

Slugs, come home! Time to book those plane reservations, lock down that hotel room, and check the air in your tires. The annual migration back to your alma mater will soon begin.  
