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Arts Division

Last month, NASA released NeMO-Net, an innovative iPad game where players help NASA classify coral reefs by painting 3D and 2D images of coral.

Harrison Newton

Helen and Newton Harrison, Distinguished Research Professors in the Arts Division, and pioneers of the eco-art movement have been creating art inspired by the earth and the environmental impacts of human development since reading Rachel Carson’s seminal environme

Adrian Centeno

When he arrived at UC Santa Cruz, Adrian Centeno was already a seasoned drama teacher with aspirations to be engaged with arts management. He was assigned to be one of the managers of the Theater Arts program, Barnstorm, where he thrived, bringing a vision of inclusion to the program.

Clint Ramos, visiting professor at UC Santa Cruz’s theater arts department, will be leading a lecture series for students featuring four of the costume and design industry’s top professionals.

Francesca Romeo

Francesca Romeo received her BA in English Literature from UC Berkeley, and a dual Master’s degree from Pratt Institute in Photography and Art History.

Sherrice Mojgani

Back in 2003, Sherrice Mojgani left her home in Orange County, Calif. to make her way to UC Santa Cruz and arrived to what she thought of as the most beautiful place she’d ever seen.

Elaine Gan

The UC Santa Cruz Arts Division is very pleased to announce that Elaine Gan has been awarded one of five 2019 Distinguished Graduate Student Alumni Awards. Gan holds both an M.F.A. in digital arts and new media (2011) and a Ph.D.

Louise Leong

Louise Leong, the Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery manager and museum preparator, has recently experienced what she calls her “World Series” of exhibitions on the UC Santa Cruz campus.
