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Film & Digital Media

Junebug Sonnenberg

Like many students at University of California, Santa Cruz, Junebug Sonnenberg chose to come because of location. When looking at colleges they decided to pursue film, but weren’t interested in living in Los Angeles.

Greg Neri

He didn’t always have his heart set on being a writer, but as he prepares to complete his 15th book for young people, UC Santa Cruz alumnus Greg Neri is getting used to what he refers to as his “third career”.

Mike Dillon

Since graduating from University of California, Santa Cruz Mike Dillon has been credited in the production of over 100 films. His accomplishments include working on movies such as The Blind Side (2009), Gravity (2013), and 16 separate Marvel movies.

Francesca Romeo

Francesca Romeo received her BA in English Literature from UC Berkeley, and a dual Master’s degree from Pratt Institute in Photography and Art History.

For Film and Digital Media senior Marisol Medina-Cadena, witnessing the bridge construction on the National Mall was not only a spectacular engineering feat but also a great visual metaphor—linking the historical legacies of this Inka tradition to a contemporary context in the shadow of the U.S.

Lauren Scarff of Georgetown and Allison Dean of UCSC

The assignments in UC Santa Cruz Film Professor Sharon Daniel’s two-quarter undergrad course, FILM 171S-02, are not your typical film school fare.

L.S. Kim

UC Santa Cruz associate professor of film and digital media L.S. Kim has been selected to participate in the Television Academy Foundation’s 2018 Faculty Seminar Program.

Soraya Murray (Photo by Derek Conrad Murray)

In her new book, On Video Games: The Visual Politics of Race, Gender and Space, UC Santa Cruz professor Soraya Murray goes beyond the technical discussions of games and instead offers a deep dive into their cultural dimensions.
