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Arts Division

Jay Afrisando

Growing up in Indonesia, Jay Afrisando heard his mother singing karaoke almost every day. He partly credits this experience for him becoming a composer and sound artist.

Come Home Alumni

Slugs, come home! Time to book those plane reservations, lock down that hotel room, and check the air in your tires. The annual migration back to your alma mater will soon begin.  

Marti Noxon

Super heroes have nothing on Marti Noxon. Brave, bold, and exceptionally talented, UC Santa Cruz alumna Noxon has found amazing success in a very tough business that has been traditionally dominated by men.

Adrian Centeno

When he arrived at UC Santa Cruz, Adrian Centeno was already a seasoned drama teacher with aspirations to be engaged with arts management. He was assigned to be one of the managers of the Theater Arts program, Barnstorm, where he thrived, bringing a vision of inclusion to the program.

The UC Santa Cruz Arts Division is pleased to announce five new faculty hires who will begin teaching throughout the current 2020-2021 academic year. These professors bring with them a wide range of expertise in their respective fields and the Arts Division is thrilled to welcome them.

Mike Dillon

Since graduating from University of California, Santa Cruz Mike Dillon has been credited in the production of over 100 films. His accomplishments include working on movies such as The Blind Side (2009), Gravity (2013), and 16 separate Marvel movies.

Edward Ramirez

As a member of the class of 2015 staff member Edward Ramirez has been a part of the University of California, Santa Cruz for the past twelve years.

Fritz Chesnut

A few years ago, we profiled artist and UC Santa Cruz alumnus Fritz Chesnut (Porter 1995) and with his new show, Floating Windows, currentl
