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Waste Disposal: Visual Arts

Waste Disposal: Visual Arts

EH&S requires that all persons generating or handling hazardous waste receive training by taking the eCourse - Hazardous Waste Training.

To take the e-Course in the UC Learning Center


2.    Log in with gold username and password

3.    Go to:  Quick links – Catalog (blue button)

4.    Select:  Laboratory and Research Safety

5.    Select:  Hazardous waste management for laboratory personnel

If you have any questions about the process or questions about the training, please email

Is your waste hazardous chemical waste?

A hazardous waste is any material, which is intended for discard, and which exhibits any of the following characteristics: Flammability, Corrosivity, Reactivity, or Toxicity. 

To determine if your material is a hazardous waste, follow the flow charts and guidelines in the Hazardous Waste Determination Guide

If you need more help determining if your waste is hazardous, contact the Hazardous Waste Manager at or call 459-3086.


Waste Minimization

The average cost for disposal is 7-10 times the purchase cost of a material; generators are strongly encouraged to find recycling alternatives. If you would like assistance with waste reduction alternatives, contact EHS (459-3086 or 459-2553).

UCSC Waste Minimization Information

  1. Don’t purchase more of a material than you expect to use in the foreseeable future. The costs of disposal often exceed the purchase cost by a considerable margin.
  2. Substitute with a less hazardous material whenever possible.
  3. Consistent with safe practice, bulk compatible waste in containers up to five gallons in capacity to reduce disposal costs (consult with EHS first).
  4. Keep all chemical containers clearly and unambiguously labeled.
  5. Dispose of your wastes at the completion of a project - don’t abandon them for someone else to deal with later.


Types of Wastes

There are several types of wastes that can be generated in Visual Arts. Some examples include:

  • Oily rags
  • Solvent wastes (turpentine, paint thinner, odorless thinner, mineral spirits, etc.)
  • Paints
  • Baby oil
  • Linseed oil
  • Photographic chemicals
  • Acids and bases
  • Sharp implements
  • Empty chemical containers

Many of these wastes are considered hazardous by the  US Environmental Protection Agency and require special handling. These materials may not be poured down the drain.

Oily Rags

Oily rags must be placed in a red oily rag can. The rags are emptied out each night by the custodial staff. Do not leave oily rags lying around the floor. Linseed oil, in particular, can ignite on its own if left out, causing fire that may spread to other areas. The oily rag can is self-closing to prevent such an occurrence.


Solvents, such as paint thinner, turpentine, toluene, xylene, and alcohols are considered hazardous waste. DO NOT DUMP them down the drain. Follow the instructions for handling hazardous waste.


Oil-based paints are considered hazardous waste. DO NOT DUMP oil-based paint down the drain or place in regular trash. Oil-based paints may be combined with solvents and linseed oil for disposal. Follow the instructions for handling hazardous wastes. Latex paints should be dried out and placed in regular trash or recycled if possible. Water-based paints may be disposed via the regular trash.

Baby Oil

Baby oil is not considered hazardous waste. Baby oil can be used to clean brushes and can be washed down the drain. Excess baby oil can be disposed in the regular trash.

Linseed Oil

Because of its potential for fire, linseed oil should be handled as a hazardous waste, in a similar manner as solvents. Linseed oil can be combined with oil-based paints and solvents for disposal. Follow the instructions for handling hazardous waste.

Photgraphic Chemicals

Photographic chemicals generally fit into four categories: fixers, developers, rinses, and specialized chemicals. Standard developers and rinses can be rinsed down the drain during processing. Most fixers contain silver in quantities above the amount allowed for sewer disposal. Fixer wastes must be collected and either poured through the silver recovery unit on the first floor photo area or collected as hazardous waste. Specialized chemicals, such as special acids and bases, should be assumed to be hazardous waste and collected accordingly.

Acids and Bases

Materials with a pH of less than 2 or more than 12.5 are considered hazardous waste. Do not mix these wastes with the solvent or oil wastes. Use care when handling acids and bases and follow the instructions for handling hazardous waste.

Lubricating Oils

Oils such as pump oil, motor oil and other machine oils are recyclable. These materials should be placed in a plastic container, sealed and labeled as Used Oil. Do not label them as hazardous waste or as waste oil. 

Broken Glass Sharp Implements

Sharp objects, such as razor blades, knives, and broken glass should be packaged in a puncture-proof jar or box and placed in the regular trash. Pre-packaging helps to avoid injury to janitors or others handling the trash.

Empty Chemical Containers

Empty chemical containers should be triple-rinsed and recycled or placed in regular trash.


Handling Hazardous Waste

Off campus laboratories and all other storage locations guidance

Non-Lab Hazardous Waste Storage Requirements and off campus laboratories

Inspection Forms

Hazardous Waste Labeling

Login to the WASTe application to create hazardous waste labels and mark containers as ready for pick up.

WASTe System User Guide

Accessing the System

1.    The Responsible Party or Delegate will need to add you to their waste generator account.

2.    Go to

3.    Login with your Cruz ID (your UCSC email) and gold password

4.    Update your user information

5.    Start creating tags


If you need assistance creating a waste tag, scheduling a pick-up, or have questions about the program, contact EH&S at (831) 459-3086 or

For any issues with the system or access to it, please contact the ERM Service Desk at or 530-638-DESK (3375)

Help pages are provided in the application in the top right corner

Need Hazardous Waste Plastic Sleeves for your labels? Need containers for your hazardous waste? 
