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Arts Faculty on Teaching and Research

"I started with the issue of the way in which individuals have a sort of disconnect from the larger systems that we vote, and the way that we have these big systems...

"Just recently I've been changing my focus in teaching to be more in line with the way that I work professionally.

"I like to think of my work as excavating value systems and thought processes of people of a gone era - their beliefs and their experiences, and how they use literary and visual material to communicate, to negotiate their place into the world, to develop their beliefs.

"At the undergraduate level, my current research is not influencing my teaching, except as a performer, because part of what I do is perform a lot.

"In the program I've developed here, we focus initially on just the act of play. The feeling of joyfulness and expressive action that come from playing the games that we played as children.

"I think that games tend to be thought of as 'reward machines,' ways of celebrating your victory, your ability. It's important to be able to build something that shows that it's about the looking, it's about the search.  It's not necessarily about winning."

"I'm really interested in taking something historical, which could be a film, documents, or an archive, and thinking about how to bring it into conversation in a present day space or with a present day public.

"Voice training is incredibly important for young actors. When we are young we don't really have an awareness of all of the habits that we manifest in our body and voice. When we train actors, we awaken them to that awareness.

"I'm always happy when I'm researching something that has an impact or when I'm trying to figure out something that's going on and hunting for clues. My early work was focused mainly on feminist film. That gave way to focusing on "New Queer Cinema" and going further into LGBT peoples.

"My recent work expands on my previous theme of the body relationship to individual and private and personal objects. And now, extending into exploration - the movement of the body in space, and the time continuum that refers to migration, globablization, transportation, and mobility."