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Arts Division

micha cárdenas

For as long as she can remember, Assistant Professor of Art & Design: Games and Playable Media, micha cárdenas has been interested in computers and fantasy. Her first experience with technology involved coveting her brother’s Commodore 64 computer.

Marti Noxon

Super heroes have nothing on Marti Noxon. Brave, bold, and exceptionally talented, UC Santa Cruz alumna Noxon has found amazing success in a very tough business that has been traditionally dominated by men.

Derek Conrad Murray

The late American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe first gained international attention due to his now infamous exhibition, The Perfect Moment (1988–90), which was initially held at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. 

Patrick Michael Ballard

Patrick Michael Ballard, a “fool magician” with a poet’s sensibility, pursued creative endeavors spanning visual arts to performance before landing at UC Santa Cruz this year as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Performance, Play and Design. 

Natalya Gonzalez

Natalya Gonzalez grew up in Los Angeles. As a kid, she loved to sketch and draw with pastels. She came to UC Santa Cruz to study biology since she was interested in research and all the labs on campus.

Susan Moren

Several years ago, finding herself on her own as a single mother, UC Santa Cruz Arts Division development assistant, Susan Moren, decided to take what for many would be an overwhelming situation and forge ahead to earn a degree in computer engineering.
