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Arts Division

Kristen Gillette

Kristen Gillette’s first encounter with UC Santa Cruz happened when she made the trek up from UCLA to UCSC for a one-quarter UC Intercampus Exchange Program. The school and its beautiful surroundings turned out to have an impact that would charter the course of her future career.

Joseph Erb and John Brown Childs at the Fireside Chat (l-r)

Distinguished Professor Emeritus John Brown Childs enjoyed the fireside chat he and

Dency Nelson

With an amazing career in Hollywood spanning nearly 40 years, Dency Nelson has been the stage manager for almost every major award and event show for the past 25 years, including the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys, and Kennedy Center Honors.

(Image courtesy of Madeline Andrews, UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute)

The Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) is an international program of evening gatherings that brings together artists, scientists, and scholars for informal presentations and conversations.

Sherrice Mojgani

Back in 2003, Sherrice Mojgani left her home in Orange County, Calif. to make her way to UC Santa Cruz and arrived to what she thought of as the most beautiful place she’d ever seen.

James Gordon Williams

For James Gordon Williams, music is a calling, not a choice. It’s a sonic art that can close distances between people in a divisive world. 

Sundance Film Festival '18

The 2018 Sundance Film Festival just wrapped and many UC Santa Cruz alumni had feature films that were selected to be screened at this prestigious, internationally renowned film festival. Congratulations to all of these immensely talented members of our UCSC family!

Adam Kubota

Inspired at the age of ten by the irreverent funk/rock group the Red Hot Chili Peppers, UC Santa Cruz Music Department alumnus Adam Kubota was destined to push musical boundaries.

Stephanie Allain

Stephanie Allain is a rare gem in the film industry.
