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Things to Know in Advance

In preparation for your event in an Arts Division venue…


  1. Confirmed day, date, time, venue
  2. Estimated attendance or advance pre-sale or registration
  3. Length of event (first half, second half)
  4. Intermission: yes or no?
  5. Admission: Via RSVP or registration, ticket? First-come/first-served?
  6. Will you offer a printed program to the audience?
  7. Would you like us to admit late-arriving patrons during the event? (See below.)*
  8. Audience notifications: strobe effects, loud sounds, mature content, theatrical haze?
  9. Will any seats or sections be removed from use?
  10. Will you ask us to reserve specific seats or rows for VIPs or special guests?
  11. Do you know of any guests with special needs for accessibility and seating?
  12. Pre-set cameras: Ask us about our recommendations for locating cameras and tripods at your event.
  13. Will there be performer entrances through the lobby or audience area?

For non-Arts Division producers:

  • Designate a Day-of-Event Representative (more info here)
  • What are your subscriber and general ticket prices?
  • How will you be handling admission? (tickets? check-in with RSVP? first-come, first-served?)


General policies

  • There is no additional "standing room" in any Arts Division venue.
  • Once capacity for the event is reached, we cannot admit more people.
  • For ticketed events, everyone inside the venue must have a valid ticket that corresponds to a seat. This includes infants and children.
  • Parking permits are required for all vehicles in the parking lots near our facilities.

Arrival times / Doors open (Theater Arts Center, Music Center)

  • A student house management team will be assigned to your event (1-2 House Managers and 2-6 Ushers, depending on the event.) The House Manager arrives 1.5 hrs before event start.
  • For events taking place in the Arts area (Digital, Visual, Theater, Music), TAPS parking attendants are on site in Lot 126 (Arts Lot) 1 hour in advance of most events to issue parking permits.
  • Front-of-house crew will gather quietly in the rear of the venue while the House Manager orients their team about 1 hour before start time.
  • Stage Manager will clear the stage approx. 35 minutes before advertised start time
  • House Manager will open doors and begin admitting the audience 30 minutes before start.

Admitting Late Arrivals

  • The front-of-house team will admit late arrivals, at producer's request, with the least disruption to those guests already inside.
  • The entry doors make noise. We endeavor to limit the number of times the doors are opened once the event is underway.
  • In some cases, intermission may offer the best late-seating opportunity.
  • Tom minimize disruption, we will work with you in advance to limit the frequency of late admission intervals.Some events will choose not to admit late arrivals. If this is the case with your event, please make this clear in all your event marketing and communications.
  • Please identify 1-3 points during the first hour of the event during which our crew can open doors, admit patrons, and show them to their seats.
  • Consider intentionally programming your event to include a couple short pauses or transitions in the first portion of the presentation. (Many concert presenters choose to program a 10-15 minute piece at the top of the concert so late arrivals can enter comfortably during the applause after the first piece ends.)
  • We reserve seats near the entrance doors for seating late arrivals.

Special seating needs

  • Each Arts venue has a limited number wheelchair spaces.
  • Wheelchair spaces are located in different sections in each venue.
  • Patrons with limited mobility (but not using a wheelchair) will be directed to seats that are accessible using a walker, crutches, or other devices. (These accessible seats are typically in the very back or the very front of the seating area.)