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Arts Division


We are very pleased to report that supporters of the Arts Division contributed over $30k on Giving Day 2020! Thank you! 

Several projects that showcase student work and support student success will benefit from these funds, including:

Scotty Brookie

After 38 years… 38.1718 to be exact, the Arts Division’s IT Director/ITS Divisional Liaison to the Arts/Webmaster, Scotty Brookie, a man of many talents, has decided to retire.

Juniper Harrower, collaborative painting performance with algae, 18 x 24"

UC Santa Cruz art professor Jennifer Parker believes that algae are an “unsung hero of the planet”--noting that these photosynthetic organisms produce one half of the total global oxygen, while absorbing one third of the carbon dioxide produced worldwide.

Karen Meece

After 16 years at UC Santa Cruz, working in the science division, Karen Meece is enjoying her role as the Executive Assistant to the Arts Dean, which she started last May.

Acting Assistant Professor of Costume Design, Pamela Rodriguez-Montero

Citing nature as her inspiration, Acting Assistant Professor of Costume Design, Department of Performance, Play & Design, Pamela Rodriguez-Montero, grew up near the lushness of the rainforest in Barva de Heredia, a small town in the Central Valley of Costa Rica, where most of

UCSC’s Institute of the Arts and Sciences to present ‘Music for Abolition’ artist panel featuring a dozen prominent musicians

Grant Whipple

It’s been six years since Grant Whipple, with his partner and six-month-old twins “stuffed under each arm,” arrived in Santa Cruz, excited at the prospect of living in a magical place between the redwood mountains and the sea. 

(Earth images courtesy of NASA)

Catastrophic environmental breakdown, mass species extinction, financial collapse, racist separatism, global nuclear war…there is much speculation these days that we are living at the end of democracy, liberalism, capitalism, a cool planet, and civilization as we know it.

Fritz Chesnut and Dean Celine

Recently, the University of California, Santa Cruz Arts Division hosted a workshop with alumnus and noted artist Fritz Chestnut.
