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Feature Stories

On July 23, US Bank generously donated $15,000 to the Dean’s Art Fund for Excellence.

The 2014 Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship recipients were honored on April 29 at a reception featuring a temporary exhibition of their work. Most of the 18 Carrillo scholars attended, along with Alison Carrillo, the creator of the Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship.

On March 6 Dean of the Arts David Yager announced the first appointments of the Arts Division’s Distinguished Professors. Research Professors are early- to mid-career scholars who have already made substantial research contributions.

Newton and Helen Mayer Harrison — newly appointed Arts Dean's Visiting Eminent Professors — like to call themselves journeymen artists.

Dancer Gerald Casel lives and breathes the art of choreography.

Feminist pioneer artist Mary Kelly spoke to a full house at a lively day-long symposium at the Digital Arts Research Center on February 5, 2014, an event which culminated in the opening for Complicated Labors, a multi-media exhibition occupying the... [more]

Recently working with a team of environmental architects in Alaska, Film and Digital Media professor Sharon Daniel has been a pioneer explorer in participatory online media.

John Weber, Founding Director of the new Institute of the Arts and Sciences (IAS) is excited about the latest phase of planning for the Institute’s multi-dimensional facility.  "The campus has sent out a public ... [more]

Arts Alumna Molly Findlay is a key player in Dean David Yager's energized New York alumni network.

Dean of the Arts David Yager brought his UCSC Arts Development team to a New York event at the Royalton on November 14 to re-connect with our vigorous alumni group in Manhattan.

During his recent tenure as Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor at McMaster University this academic year, Raoul Birnbaum was able to share a lifetime's research discoveries with students and scholars at one of the finest Buddhist studies programs in North... [more]

Renewing the connection from campus to professional life, a high profile group of UCSC Arts alums working in the entertainment and film industry gathered last month at West Hollywood's Soho House.

This year's UCSC holiday production, It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play, offers audiences something deliciously different.

Growing up in Dearborn, Michigan, Professor of Theater Arts Kate Edmunds thrived in her Art Department education at Wayne State University.

A member of the Arts Dean's Leadership Advisory Board, Jock Reynolds was honored on October 18 with the 2013 UCSC Alumni Achievement Award for outstanding personal achievement in the arts and lasting contributions to his field.

Music major Shane Liliedahl had himself one busy senior year.

Award-winning video game designer Robin Hunicke visited Arts and Computer Science colleagues this week at the invitation of Arts Dean David Yager.

In a rare pause from fieldwork in remote Central Asia, counseling doctoral students, and performing dutor folk music, music professor Tanya Merchant reflected on an emerging career filled with lucky encounters.

Theater Arts professor Ted Warburton has been working on the kinetic connections between intelligence and dance for the past decade.  Exploring "the major intellecual and artistic decisions behind dance," he seeks paths to outwit the tired cliché that "dancers don't think, they... [more]

Choreographer and UCSC alumnus David Herrera joins guest and faculty choreographers exploring interactions among people, communities and nature in Blueprints, the spring faculty dance concert running Friday, May 24 — Sunday, June 2.


In what turned out to be a lively brainstorming session Arts Dean David Yager and new Director John Weber [pictured] facilitated a day-long brainstorming session to help shape the new Institute of the Arts and Sciences on the UCSC campus.

Some composers had a special flair for probing the human comedy with crowd-pleasing appeal. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was certainly one of the late 18th century geniuses whose music continues to charm and inspire.

Creating a digital footprint that spans the globe, game designer Will Wright launched a way of conceptualizing the cultural landscape that continues to exert playful influence.

Documenting untold stories in bold, and accessible animated imagery is the driving passion of Social Documentation professor John Jota Leaños.

Jazz has been in Karlton Hester's blood since he took up the piano at the age of four. As a lifelong composer and improvisationalist, Hester is currently jamming with colleagues in far-flung disciplines.
